Section 56 (“Entitlement to vote, number of votes and identification of voters”) of the principal Act is amended –
(a) in subsection (l)(a) by the repeal of the proviso thereto;
(b) by the insertion after subsection (1) of the following subsection –
“( I a) At a by-election, every voter registered on a polling station voters roll shall be entitled to vote at that polling station for one of the candidates
(a) who have been duly nominated for election as a constituency member in the constituency in which the polling station is situated; or
(b) who have been duly nominated for election as councillor for the ward in which the polling station is situated; as the case may be.”;
(c) in subsection (3) by the deletion of “shall hand the applicant a ballot paper” and the substitution of “, subject to subsection (3a), shall hand the applicant a ballot paper”;
(d) by the insertion after subsection (3) of the following subsection-
“(3a) If polling in two or more election is being conducted simultaneously at the polling station and an applicant declines to accept a ballot paper for any one or more of those elections. the presiding officer shall not hand the applicant a ballot paper for that election and shall record. in such a manner as may be prescribed or directed by the Commission, that the applicant did not, at his or her request, receive the ballot paper.”.