319. The integrated report should –
a) be prepared every year and contain adequate information about the company’s operations, sustainability issues pertinent to its business, its financial results and the results of its operations and cash flows projections;
b) be focused on substance rather than form and disclose information that is complete, timely, relevant, accurate, honest, accessible and comparable with the past performance of the company;
c) contain forward looking information;
d) describe how the company has made its money by reporting on the positive and negative impact its operations have had on its stakeholders;
e) highlight the company’s plans to improve the positives and eradicate the negatives so as to enable stakeholders to make an informed assessment of the economic value and sustainability of the company;
f) cover all areas of the company’s performance, reflecting the choices made and the strategic decisions adopted by the Board, including reporting on economic, social and environmental issues affecting the company;
g) comply with the third generation global reporting initiative guidelines of 2007 (G3 Guidelines) as amended from time to time provided such compliance takes into account the company’s specific practical and strategic needs, relevant areas of operation and stakeholders’ concerns;
h) demonstrate the linkages between the organisation’s strategy, governance and financial performance and the social, environmental and economic context within which it operates as well as the organisation’s ability to create and sustain value in the present and in the future;
i) give insight into the organisation’s strategic objectives, and how those objectives relate to its ability to create and sustain value over time and the resources and relationships on which the organisation depends;
j) provide a basis for addressing the range of issues and opportunities affecting the long-term business value by re-focusing reporting around the organisation’s business model and operational priorities so as to reflect the critical opportunities and challenges that affect the business;
k) show the connections between the different components of the organisation’s business model, external factors that affect the organisation, and the various resources and relationships on which the organisation and its performance depend;
l) include management’s expectations about the future and other information to help users of the report to understand and assess the organisation’s prospects and any uncertainties it may be facing;
m) provide insight into the organisation’s relationships with its key stakeholders and how and to what extent the organisation understands, takes into account and responds to their needs;
n) provide concise, reliable information that is material to assessing the organisation’s ability to create and sustain value in the short, medium and long term; and
o) deal with all the organisation’s material issues in an objective manner, providing a balanced view of the organisation including what businesses consider to be the best strategy to deal with the challenges they face.